Not defined by my labels, but rather humbled and fluid.
Business executive one day, spiritual healer the next.
Lexi left home very young to attend University but soon found climbing the Corporate Ladder was more in line with her deep desire to understand the business world from the get go. Working hard is a strong attribute and it was not long before Lexi found herself rubbing shoulders with CEO’s and business leaders who found her skill set a valuable asset to their organisations. She was very well received, and despite her few years in the industry great managerial opportunities came her way, in the finance sector and elite training fields.
In 2012 Lexi decided it was time to explore foreign shores, resigning from her executive role, she took 12 months off to travel to the US, Europe and all through South America on a journey of self-discovery.
Initiating her travels, Lexi attended and delivered at Joe Williams, Professional Speakers Academy where she was highly applauded by the International Speakers’ Panel, for her natural and engaging style.
Not long after her return to Australia, Lexi completed her NLP Practitioner Mastery training, and launched her S.E.T for Life (Self-Empowerment Techniques for Life) Program in 2013. This program is filled with cutting edge applied psychology. Rather than teaching people what to think, Lexi teaches people how they think, empowering them to take control of their lives.
In early 2015 after training with her Master in Bali, Lexi was honoured to become a Kundalini Reiki Master upon which she launched her professional healing career. Lexi combines her wisdom of the mind, body & spirit with her innate healing abilities in every session. Later Lexi was introduced to Frequency Healing, using Rife Machines, Plasma Tubes & Radionics to heal. The technology allows Lexi to boundlessly heal, both locally a non-locally, The technology is almost unlimited to what it can heal.
Lexi is highly passionate about learning and the sharing of knowledge; studying quantum physics, the human mind, science, art, spirituality, consciousness, healing and meditation. All these areas blend together to create a tapestry of knowledge and learning that most adults don’t experience in a lifetime.
Lexi is a Resonance Science Delegate graduate, and is currently enrolled with Quantum University, studying Integrative Medicine & Health Sciences. She is an experienced NLP Master Practitioner, Kundalini Reiki Master, Facilitator, Professional Speaker, Frequency Practitioner and Hypnotherapist.